The one size fits all carb recommendations (loading, intake during exercise, etc.) do not work for women.
Estrogen has a carbohydrate sparing effect on the body which influences substrate oxidation during exercise. Premenopausal women in the luteal phase will burn more fat during exercise as a result of high estrogen levels and will have difficulty hitting high intensities without taking on carbs during exercise. The opposite is the case in the low hormone or follicular phase when carb intake during exercise can be dialed back as the body can freely access glycogen stores due to lower estrogen levels (i.e. less carbohydrate sparing). Also, carb loading can occur during the follicular phase and will be less effective in the luteal phase. In peri/menopause, women become more sensitive to carbohydrates.
Progesterone, for example, increases insulin sensitivity so any declines in the hormone, as occurs in peri/menopause, will increase insulin resistance so the focus for peri/menopausal women is on ensuring intake of nutrient-dense sources of carbohydrate (fruit, veg) vs. hits of quick simple sugars (and you guessed it: lifting heavy shit and protein intake).